Ayurvedic Spa Technician

COURSE Core Program Length: 150 hours

"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable"


Ayurvedic Consultations for Total Wellness

Core Program Length: 150 hours

Program Length: 150 hours

This course will qualify you as a first rate Ayurveda Spa Technician, capable of offering numerous authentic Ayurvedic therapy sessions with herbal oils customized to your clients’ body-mind type and needs. On completion of this 150 hour program, the technician will be able to:


  • Perform Several Marma Therapy Protocols For Various Imbalances
  • Give An Ayurvedic Head Massage And Shirodhara
  • Complete A Luxurious 1 ½ Hour Full Body Abhyanga

Our goal is to help you achieve balance and harmony in your life, and to promote total wellness through natural healing. We believe that by treating the root causes of your health concerns, rather than just the symptoms, you can achieve long-lasting health and well- being. If you're ready to take charge of your health and experience the benefits of authentic Ayurvedic healing, book a consultation with us today. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to helping you achieve total wellness through holistic healing and natural therapies.

Learn Ayurveda - Book Today!


    2596 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K2B 7H8, Canada

    Phone: +1613 422 0936

    Email: info@holisticayurveda.ca

    Do you have questions about how we can help you? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

    Program Length: 150 hours

    This course will qualify you as a first rate Ayurveda Spa Technician, capable of offering numerous authentic Ayurvedic therapy sessions with herbal oils customized to your clients’ body-mind type and needs. On completion of this 150 hour program, the technician will be able to:


    • 1.Perform Several Marma Therapy Protocols For Various Imbalances
    • 2.Give An Ayurvedic Head Massage And Shirodhara
    • 3.Complete A Luxurious 1 ½ Hour Full Body Abhyanga

    Learn Ayurveda - Book Today!


      2596 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K2B 7H8, Canada

      Phone: +1613 422 0936

      Email: info@holisticayurveda.ca

      Do you have questions about how we can help you? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.


      It is my great joy to continue to work with my mentor and friend Vaidya Hemant Gupta developing the nation’s first Masters degree in Ayurveda, by an accredited university. Vaidya Gupta has been leading the development of this historic degree program for nearly 5 years.


      It is rare to find a scholar who can penetrate deeply into the ancient texts, and apply the timeless principles of Ayurveda to modern life, based on clinical experience. It is even rare, perhaps, to find such a scholar who is also a consummate teacher, who can explain the principles, the examples, the applications, and the importance of this knowledge clearly and concisely to his students.


      The physician is one of the four pillars of health in Ayurveda. The physician must be knowledgeable, skillful and dexterous, experienced, and pure of heart. In Vaidya Gupta, we have all of these beautiful qualities manifest. As a result, his students are inspired and become capable practitioners of this timeless wisdom, capable of removing suffering and bringing increased balance and vitality to their clients.


      And even rare, in Vaidya Gupta, we have a master of Maharishi AyurVeda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s revival of the complete science of Ayurveda including the all-important knowledge of consciousness, Atma, the Self of everyone, as the basis of health. The word for health in Ayurveda is Swastha, which means ‘Established in the Self.’ Maharishi restored the foundation of health as the regular experience of pure consciousness, the simplest form of human awareness, Atma, which is a state of perfectly balanced mind, which spontaneously brings balance to the body. This experience is easily gained through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation program, which is enjoyable, natural, and practiced by over 6 million people around the world.


      Vaidya Gupta is indeed a rare person, a rare teacher, and a treasured member of our faculty at the Maharishi University of Management.


      P.S. Vaidya Gupta has full permission to use this comment in any way he feels useful

      Jai Guru Dev

      Paul J. Morehead, Ph.D. Associate Dean of Curriculum

      Maharishi College of Perfect Health

      Send us an inquiry

      Interested in joining our classes but feeling intimidated? Don’t be. Ativo is a safe haven, everyone is welcome and our team is here to answer any questions you may have. Send us a note!

      Learn Ayurveda - Book Today!


        2596 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K2B 7H8, Canada

        Phone: +1613 422 0936

        Email: info@holisticayurveda.ca

        Do you have questions about how we can help you? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.