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Nourishing the Body and Soul: Ayurvedic Kitchari, the Ultimate Detox Recipe

Nourishing the Body and Soul: Ayurvedic Kitchari, the Ultimate Detox Recipe

One of Ayurveda’s most revered dishes, Kitchari (also spelled Khichdi), is seen as a panacea, a detoxifying cleanse, and a nourishing feast all at once. A hearty mix of basmati rice and mung dal (split yellow lentils), Kitchari is a complete protein, rich in fiber, and packed with essential nutrients. Today we dive into the Ayurvedic art of making Kitchari, the ultimate detox recipe.

Aug 04, 2023
Recipe Of The Month
Unlocking the Secrets of Ayurveda: Discover Your Dosha and Achieve Balance

Unlocking the Secrets of Ayurveda: Discover Your Dosha and Achieve Balance

Ayurveda, often referred to as the sister science of Yoga, is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. Born in India over 3,000 years ago, its principles are as relevant today as they were back then. This ancient wisdom offers an intriguing perspective on health, wellness, and balance. At the heart of Ayurveda are three primary life energies, or Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Understanding your dominant Dosha can unlock your path to true health and wellbeing.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
Summer Superfoods: An Ayurvedic Perspective

Summer Superfoods: An Ayurvedic Perspective

As the summer sun shines resplendently, painting our surroundings with vibrant hues of life, it’s essential to align our diet according to the season. Ayurveda, an ancient holistic health science from India, emphasizes seasonal eating as a key aspect of maintaining balance and good health. Let’s dive into the realm of Ayurveda and discover some superfoods that will keep us cool, energized, and healthy throughout the summer.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
Summer Recipes

Summer Recipes

Summer is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities and soak up the sun, but it can also lead to overheating and dehydration, which can be detrimental to our health. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers many remedies to help keep cool and prevent these problems. In this blog post, we will explore five ayurvedic recipes that can help you stay cool and refreshed during the summer season.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
Some Awesome Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Some Awesome Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

In ancient times People called it the plant of immortality because of its healing characteristics. Its pulp is sloshy and gooey, the holy grail packed with antioxidants and nutrients. Consuming aloe vera juice in moderation can prevent and cure even chronic illnesses such as allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, diabetes, skin, and heart diseases, and the list goes on. It is a miracle plant. You can also grow it in your home. It will add not only functional value but also aesthetic value to your garden.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda


This digestion-supporting yogurt drink should be made from homemade yogurt that is made fresh the night before and not refrigerated. If this is not possible, at least buy organic plain yogurt and use it when as fresh as possible. Dilute 1 part yogurt with 4 parts water. Add a pinch of roasted cumin and coriander powder as desired.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a rhizome (underground root stem) that is native to Southeast Asia. This rhizome is also known as Indian saffron and belongs to the ginger family.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
Maintain Kidney and Bladder Health Using Ayurveda

Maintain Kidney and Bladder Health Using Ayurveda

Kidneys are located at the backside of the abdomen of a human body and are shaped like a bean. These are self-cleaning organs and are responsible for removing the waste and toxic substances from the blood.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
10 Simple Ways to Keep Blood Sugar Under Control

10 Simple Ways to Keep Blood Sugar Under Control

High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, is associated with prediabetes and diabetes and can affect people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
Healthy fruit Salad

Healthy fruit Salad

Start the day with a stewed apple to build appetite for lunch, stimulate regular bowel movements, increase vitality, alertness, and provide a light but satisfying start to the day.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
Kapha herbal tea

Kapha herbal tea

It is time for our personal favourite morning routine, a wonderful cup of natural Kapha tea. This zesty delicious tea helps shake off laziness permitting you to awaken normally without the requirement for caffeine

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda
How to Pursue Ayurveda as a Career

How to Pursue Ayurveda as a Career

Ayurveda is said to be the world’s oldest whole-body relieving method. This method was found in India almost three thousand years ago.

Aug 04, 2023
Holistic Ayurveda