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Ear oiling (Karn Bindu Tailam)


Karnbindu Oil provides the right blend of nutrients and removal of toxins from your ear canal, which improves your auditory function. Using Karnbindu as a part of your daily routine supports the proper health of your internal ear organs, by providing comfort and moisture for the tissues of the ear. Karna Purana is a technique that uses this oil, which is especially effective for individuals with sensitive or ringing ears.

Nasya Oil


Nasya Oil is highly effective ayruvedic formulation used in a process called Nasya; a traditional remedy that rids the nasal passages and sinus cavities of congestions. Nasya clears the direct pathway between the nose and the brain, by removing bodily fluids that get accumulated in the sinuses, throat, nose and head areas. Similar formulations have been used for thousands of years for sinusitis, allergies, colds and sore throats, by ensuring a clear passage and flow of prana between the head and the body.

Triphala Ghee


Triphala Ghee helps support your vision and your digestive system. Nourish your eyes from the inside with this hand-made, small batch, cultured ghee infused with three synergistic fruits — amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki (triphala). In Ayurveda, triphala is traditionally used to help support a healthy vision, promote a healthy immune system and boost digestion.