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Immune Support 90 caps


IMMUNE SUPPORT: Supports Immune System, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Immune support is a dynamic herbal blend designed to boost immune system response and strength, it does so by enhancing key immunological functions of your ear, nose and throat. This unique herbal combination nourishes our upper respiratory tract and boosts our inner defense mechanism against allergens, toxins, and environmental pollutants to prevent and treat sinus congestion and lung problems. This rejuvenating formula is also an excellent anti-aging and anti-stress supplement that encourages a healthy wellbeing.


Proper Name

Nom propre

Common Name

Nom usuel

Quantity per Dosage Unit

Quantite par unite posologique

Achyranthes aspera Prickly chaff-flower 25 mg
Ocimum tenuflorum Holy basil 125 mg
Phyllanthus emblica Amla 500 mg
Piper longum Fructus Piperis Longui 50 mg
  1. VERIFIED NON-GMO: Vegan capsules with no artificial flavors, gluten free, making our products vegan and vegetarian friendly
  2. LICENSED BY HEALTH CANADA: We are proud to be Made in Canada, all the herbs are sourced, and manufactured to provide the highest standards of quality supplements for all
  3. FORMULATED BY DR. HEMANT GUPTA: Dr. Gupta is renowned for his experience in Ayurvedic teaching, research, and as a clinician. Everest greens was born using his expertise in ayurvedic herbology to develop highly safe and effective products that enliven body’s inner therapeutic mechanism.
  4. REJUVENATING AND IMMUNE BOOSTING: This formula provides dual benefits of anti-aging and anti-stress by enhancing inner defense mechanism
  5. NOURISHES THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT: Builds immunity against allergens, toxins, and environmental pollutants to prevent and treat sinus congestion and lung problems

(Vata/Kapha for respiratory system or lung and sinus support)

Joint Support 90 Caps


Supports Healthy Function of Joints, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

1. VERIFIED NON-GMO: Vegan capsules with no artificial flavors, gluten free, making our products vegan and vegetarian friendly

2. LICENSED BY HEALTH CANADA: We are proud to be Made in Canada, all the herbs are sourced, and manufactured to provide the highest standards of quality supplements for all

3. FORMULATED BY DR. HEMANT GUPTA: Dr. Gupta is renowned for his experience in Ayurvedic teaching, research, and as a clinician. Everest greens was born using his expertise in ayurvedic herbology to develop highly safe and effective products that enliven body’s inner therapeutic mechanism.

4. MAXIMUM JOINT FUNCTION AND MOBILITY: Removes accumulated toxins in the joint to increase mobility, decrease stiffness and sustain healthy lubrication of joints.

5. HIGHLY POTENT ANTI-INFLAMMATORY:Contains herbs which include Turmeric, Boswellia and Rasna. These are known as Anti-inflammatory agents supported by substantial scientific and clinical evidence.

(Vata/Kapha for musculoskeletal system)

Kanchanar Guggul


Kanchanaar guggulu promotes proper functioning of the thyroid and lymphatic system, by speeding up bile production and naturally eliminating harmful toxins. Kanchanaar is a very astringent herb that is traditionally used in Ayurvedic formulas to address deep-seated Kapha imbalances. The holy trinity of Kanchanaar, Triphala, and Trikatu work to drain dampness and helps to dissolve excess fat tissue in Kapha-dominant individuals when used in conjunction with Guggulu.

Kapha Massage Oil


This unique herbalized oil blend is formulated to suit your Kapha dosha type. The Kapha-type constitution tends to have oily skin, cold hands and a reserved temperament. This formula contains sunflower and almond base oil, processed with Kapha balancing herbs derived from high quality essential oils. This unique formula not only effectively lubricates and moisturizes but also helps to promote radiant skin and a grounded feeling of mind

Kapha Spice Mix


Calming digestive Spice Mix

Calming Vata spice mix is a blend of cumin, ginger & fennel.

Sauté the spice mix in ghee or your favorite cooking oil, and add to your dishes; soups, stews and sauces as they’re cooking; or sprinkle over prepared vegetables or rice at the table. Convenient, and mouth-wateringly delicious!

Spice Wise

• Dried ground ginger is useful in aiding digestion, promoting appetite and pacifying stomach issues.

• Turmeric is most common in ayurvedic cooking. It has curcumin, which has antioxidant properties.

• Cumin helps enhance digestion and helps to relieve from gas and bloating.

Liver Tone 90 Caps


Livertone supports tiisue metabolism and clear accumulated waste and to support the liver.

Nasya Oil


Nasya Oil is highly effective ayruvedic formulation used in a process called Nasya; a traditional remedy that rids the nasal passages and sinus cavities of congestions. Nasya clears the direct pathway between the nose and the brain, by removing bodily fluids that get accumulated in the sinuses, throat, nose and head areas. Similar formulations have been used for thousands of years for sinusitis, allergies, colds and sore throats, by ensuring a clear passage and flow of prana between the head and the body.

Organic Cinnamon


This sweet and spicy herb can be used to detoxify your GI tract which strengthens your digestion, improving absorption and supporting healthy blood sugar. Cinnamon also promotes healthy circulation and joints.

Pitta Massage Oil


This unique herbalized oil blend is formulated to suit your Kapha dosha type. The Kapha-type constitution tends to have oily skin, cold hands and a reserved temperament. This formula contains sunflower and almond base oil, processed with Kapha balancing herbs derived from high quality essential oils. This unique formula not only effectively lubricates and moisturizes but also helps to promote radiant skin and a grounded feeling of mind

Pitta Spice Mix


Cooling and soothing

This Cooling Pitta spice mix contains coriander, fennel, cumin & turmeric.

Sauté the spice mix in ghee or your favorite cooking oil and add to your dishes; soups, stews and sauces as they’re cooking; or sprinkle over prepared vegetables or rice at the table. Convenient, and mouth-wateringly delicious!

Spice Wise

• Coriander and fennel is an all-balancing (tridoshic) spice with slight cooling effect. Ayurveda suggests this for good digestion and improved appetite. Both have unique property of improving digestion without increasing Pitta.

• Turmeric is ubiquitous in ayurvedic cooking. It contains the flavonoid curcumin, which promotes a healthy response to allergens while stimulating digestion and supporting the immune system.

• Cinnamon is used to balance the digestion and to regulate blood sugar.

Rejuve tone 90 Caps



Proper Name

Nom propre

Common Name

Nom usuel

Quantity per Dosage Unit

Quantite par unite posologique

Boerhavia diffusa Red spiderling 75 mg
Mucuna pruriens Velvet-bean 200 mg
Panax ginseng Korean ginseng 100 mg
Tribulus terrestris Goksura 100 mg
Withania somnifera Ashwagandha 300 mg

Rejuvetone is a very potent male reproductive tonic that has a variety of positive functions that can help maintain a healthy libido and alleviate male sexual dysÿunction.

This supplement contains “Kapikachchu,” also known as velvet bean that is an aphrodisiac known to stimulate production of hormones found in the ‘pleasure system’ in the brain. This herbal blend alleviates stress, improves sexual function, prevents low sperm count, and erectile dysfunction in its effort to revitalize male reproductive physiology.

Shatavari Ghee


Everest greens Shatavari Ghee rejuvenates and nurtures the female reproductive system. We use traditionally method to hand make each batch, infusing our cultured ghee with Shatavari root extract- which is very effective in promoting smoother menstrual cycle and hormonal balance.