We’re only a few days away from waving goodbye to 2021 after a busy year. But, first and foremost, we must get through the grand Christmas and New Year holidays. While the holidays are meant to be a joyous time of celebration with friends and family, the expectation of having a good time, as well as the closeness of relatives who may or may not be a bit bothersome at times, may sometimes add to unneeded stress and holiday weariness causing deterioration in physical and mental health.

Fortunately, there are numerous Ayurvedic strategies to manage seasonal stress, from controlling your nutrition to remembering to take time for yourself. According to Ayurveda, the holidays are particularly unpleasant to the Vata dosha, frequently leaving us feeling stressed, ungrounded, and missing regularity or mental form. With a few strategic changes to your holiday plans, you can preserve internal and external balance while still spending quality time with your beloved ones. To get rid of Vata dosha, choose steamed veggies such as carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes, and have a soothing cup of chamomile or ginger tea. The aroma of cinnamon and cloves is also beneficial to this dosha.

Managing External Stresses:

It’s important to keep in mind that Ayurveda considers both internal and exterior environmental influences to help you balance your doshas. Holiday stress is frequently aggravated by unhealthy eating, particularly the urge to overindulge with friends and family. While this is not always an issue, overindulging in rich meals, sweets, or alcohol may place a strain on your digestive system, resulting in bad sleep, tiredness, and a lack of appetite.

To get rid of this issue an easy option is to focus on festive meals that support your physic rather than those that overwhelm it. You can also try fasting before events where you know you’ll overindulge in festive activities. A comprehensive meal like whole grains and boiled vegetables will give your body a rest before consuming holiday delicacies rich in sugar and fat.

Overcoming Internal Stress:

Aside from minding what you eat this time of year, it’s also crucial to take some time for yourself to deal with seasonal stress. Maintaining a regular workout and meditation practice can keep you feeling balanced throughout the season.

Maintain a daily kind of exercise in particular, but don’t overdo it. You should focus on relaxing exercises such as mild yoga, a brisk stroll outside, or a leisurely cycling. The idea is to softly spark your energy rather than to get your heart tiring. Moreover, taking oil message can nicely remove your stress and rejuvenate your energy. For maintaining your digestion and other health related issues you can avail the remedies of holistic Ayurveda, eat stabilizing food and take ample rest.

Enjoy The Festivity:

Throughout the year our life remains highly congested with our day to day jobs and worries and anxieties. Hence, holidays are really blissful to us. They emancipate us from the daily din and bustle of life. We should spend them in planned and careful manner. While the holidays may undeniably be hectic, they can also be, well, holidays if enjoyed intelligently. If you start to feel overwhelmed, remember that Ayurveda may help you manage your holiday stress. So, you can enjoy your time with friends and family, just be a little careful about your health.

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